The CTC provides rapid in-depth craniosacral training. The program is open to all. It will enhance the sensitivity and skill set for any trained practitioner and it will make a lay person’s hands feel as therapeutic as a skilled professional. All workshops are taught by Robert Harris. Alix McLaughlin, co-founder and partner joins for the Paediatric course.
The Craniosacral Therapy Program, Part 1, 2 and 3 is a 11 day training in total. It is a more comprehensive program than pre-2018, with in depth intra-oral and tmj components.
Craniosacral Training Program-Part-1Students will learn:
- How to find misalignment and restrictions in the body;
- How to recognize the therapeutic approach that will help the most;
- The ability to read and respond to various indicators within the body that occur as they proceed with treatment techniques;
- To practice the foundation principals and techniques on the body, base of the skull, spine, ribs, pelvis and extremities; and
- Identify and witness advanced levels of therapeutic results achieved.
- Take home Becalm Balls (included in cost of workshop).
Please Note: This course is a prerequisite for further training in craniosacral therapy (Part 2 and Part 3 and Visceral Release Techniques).
$700 – Course details
Craniosacral Training Program-Part-2- Students will learn:
- Evaluative skills and specific release techniques, with facilitating variations, for each of the cranial bones;
- The ability to recognize and confirm the different presenting restrictions found as techniques are practiced;
- The anatomy and physiology of the Craniosacral System along with the various symptoms and conditions found with the different restrictions and dysfunction patterns; and
- The crucial ability to recognize, treat and balance the various strain patterns and difficult lesions of the ‘keystone’ sphenoid bone, the TMJ and the ‘challenging’ temporal bones including their rotations and the ability to balance them successfully.
Please Note: This course is a prerequisite for further training in craniosacral therapy (Part 3).
$600 – Course details
Craniosacral Training Program-Part-3- Students will learn:
- Techniques for the facial bones, the intra-oral environment, the lower jaw, tongue and hyoid region;
- In-depth knowledge to treat and address TMJ disorder;
- About the dynamics of malocclusion and its destabilizing influence and how they can help.
Please Note: This course is a prerequisite for Pediatric training.
$450 – Course details
Visceral Release Techniques- Learn how and where organs and their related ligaments can be the source of recurrent mechanical findings in your CST sessions;
- Learn the location, signs and symptoms associated with various organ compromises and dysfunctions;
- Learn how to treat visceral related findings with gentle, effective techniques;
- Learn techniques that blend into your craniosacral session, with more immediate, accurate results;
- Learn techniques that enable your recipients/ patients to remain relaxed and horizontal; and
- Provide better care and resolution for your clients.
Pelvis and Lower Abdominal Region
Recurrent sacro-iliac dysfunctions, ileal rotations/misalignments, bladder incontinence and recurrent infections, frequent urination, sacrum and coccyx deviations, constipation, ileo-ceacal valve dysfunctions, appendix, ovaries, large and small intestines, sigmoid colon, hyper-lordosis, and ileo-psoas tensions, kidney function
Mid Abdomen, Diaphragm and Thoracic Region
Small intestines, DJ junction of the small intestine, 2nd lumbar vertebra dysfunctions, root of the mysentery, gall bladder, sphincter of oddi, liver, stomach, ulcers, pyloric valve dysfunction, hiatal hernias and reflux, diaphragm tensions and discomforts, thyroid challenges and throat tensions.
$880 Part 1, or prior Introductory and Intermediate courses Course details
Pediatric Intensive – 4 Days – Pre-Recorded Tapes
$440Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 or prior Introductory, Intermediate and Advanced courses. See course details for more information. Course details
Awakening and Riding Craniosacral Rhythms- Become aware of your deep inner core and your craniosacral rhythm;
- Awaken new feelings and movements;
- Witness your sensory realms expand and deepen;
- Experience craniosacral rhythm dynamics;
- Gain unique access to your inner self; and
- Experience heightened senses.
Course details
How is Robert Harris’ training in Craniosacral Therapy unique from other CST training?
Robert Harris’ years of experience as a teacher and practitioner has led him to develop an accelerated and intensive course format that enables rapid in-depth learning, accuracy and rich student experiences not found elsewhere. His teaching is uniquely comprehensive and integrates the understandings and methods within Upledger, Osteopathic and Biodynamic craniosacral training.
Here is what one of his recent students have to say:
“Your class has been very beneficial to me, my clients and my overall education. It has made a significant difference with the work I am doing. I am seeing differently and recognize my sensory board more clearly now and my ability to touch people through CST has been greatly enhanced.”
All courses at the CTC are approved as Continuing Education credits with the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario, the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, the Natural Health Practitioners of Canada and Trager Canada, among others. Part 1, 2 and 3 are each 24 hours in length and the pediatric course is 30 hours.
Read about our Instructor, Robert Harris
Would you like to co-sponsor/facilitate your own Stillpoint workshop?
Contact Robert Harris
If you have any questions, please call 416-971-4445 or send an email to: