The paediatric training is a 4 day recorded class. The tapes become yours to upload and keep.
Alix McLaughlin and Robert Harris, founders of the Cranial Therapy Centre Toronto, offer a unique opportunity to learn paediatric Cranial Sacral Therapy [CST] utilizing a four day recorded class. Their 39 years of clinical experience treating infants and children, coupled with decades of teaching Cranial Sacral Therapy will provide you with in depth paediatric training. You will be empowered by learning new CST techniques which will enhance your current Cranial Sacral Therapy skills and enable you to begin treating children and infants.
We both taught at the Upledger Institute for a combined 22 years and have continued to teach throughout our 47 years of clinical practice. We also contributed to the original design and content of the Upledger paediatric training program. The Cranial Therapy Centre, started in 1987. It was the largest and is the longest standing Cranial Therapy clinic in Canada. Infants and children account for a significant percentage of the Centre’s client base and are referred by doctors, naturopaths, midwives, lactation consultants, doulas, mother’s support groups, past clients, as well as many returning parents of growing families.
The objective of the course is to enhance and grow your CST skills to successfully treat the intricacies of infants and children. You will learn not only about the techniques, conditions and anatomy unique to infants and children, you will also be enhancing your sensitivities in order to effectively and safely treat these delicate clients.
The four-day training includes lectures, practical exercises, new techniques, discussions and demonstrations of assessments and treatments with infants and children.
You will learn:
- To enhance your sensitivity and perception while performing CST;
- To increase the accuracy of the touch of your hands in order to identify what is deep within the body;
- How to recognize and perceive, with ease, the CS indicators in therapeutic stillpoints;
- How the infant anatomy differs from an adult;
- How infant assessment differs from adult assessment;
- Treatments beyond protocols;
- New techniques for paediatrics;
- The effects of pregnancy, labour and delivery on an infant and how to treat them;
- The issues associated with normal or long labour, positioning in utero, the effect of twins in the womb, and interventions such as vacuum, forceps, induction, c-section, and epidurals;
- Techniques and tools to be energetically sensitive and present;
- Precautions and contraindications for pediatric treatment;
- Beyond treatment:
- When are you ready to treat infants?
- How to communicate with parents while gaining their confidence;
- How to know that your treatment is working;
- How to determine your success without getting verbal feedback from your client;
- Introducing Paediatrics and building your practice.
For Infants – to identify the signs, symptoms and determine the treatments of various conditions including latching/nursing issues, colic, excessive crying, hyper/hypo tonicity, reflux, digestive discomfort, torticollis, excessive crying, asymmetrical head shape, helmets and ear infections;
For Toddlers and Children – to identify the signs, symptoms and determine the treatments for various conditions such as strabismus, learning difficulties, developmental delays, hyper activity, ADD/ADHD, autism, cerebral palsy, and concussion
Prerequisites for attending:
- Completion of the CTC’s Craniosacral Training Program: Parts 1, 2 and 3 or the prior Craniosacral Training Program: Intro to Advanced
“As a lactation consultant who works with babies who are experiencing breastfeeding challenges, it has been a huge gift to work with Robert and Alix. Their ability to meet a baby where they are at, breathe and help the little one move to a better place, is an invaluable adjunct to my practise and a life-long legacy for our smallest and most vulnerable beings.”
–Shery Leeder, IBCLC
Important Notice: Pre-Requisite for Paediatrics – Completing Part 1, 2 and 3
This workshop has a value of 24CEU’s
Workshop Includes: 4 Days of Recorded on-line Training, Workbook (pdf), Certificate of Attendance
Workshop Cost: $450 (plus HST)
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at or call 416-971-4445.